Sunday, June 18, 2017

Giddens Family Branch: An Introduction

 Name Origin:

'Recorded in many forms including Gidden, Giddens, Gidding, Giddings, Gedding, Geddings, Gittens, Gittins, Gutans, Guttans, and possibly others, this is an English surname. The surname is known as a locational name, which means the place where people lived.  The changed spellings may be due to people moving around and interpreting the name as 'sounds like' and changing the spelling.'   Through my research, I have encountered many of these spellings. 
 Here's an interesting statistic: Giddens is an uncommon surname in the United States. When the United States Census was taken in 2010, there were about 7,034 individuals with the last name "Giddens," ranking it number 4,995 for all surnames. Historically, the name has been most prevalent in the Southeast, especially in Georgia. 
Source: TheInternetSurnameDatabase

My Grandfather: Robert Eugene Giddens
When I first began researching my Dad's side of the family, I thought I might be hitting a lot of brick walls.  I didn't know much about the Giddens side of the family and their history, so I was really expecting to struggle.  With that said, I would like to begin this post with a special shout out to a few family members for their assistance:  Aunt Gail Mosely for providing some great pics, articles and partnership in solving a mystery.  Cousin Kenneth McMillan for letting me borrow the 'red book' of our family history and lots of information for future posts....interesting read!  And finally, my Dad, Lowell Giddens for the telling of family stories and providing old family pics.   This edition and future chapters would not be possible without your assistance.  Thank you all.
Let's see what we found out, shall we?

🍁 James S. Giddens 🍁
The Giddens lineage can be confirmed back to my GG grandfather, James (J.S.) Giddens 1859 - 1935. An 1870 census shows a James S Giddings, aged 11, living with Nancy Giddings age 26 and Laura J Giddings age 8.  They lived in Pulaski, GA.  No father is listed. Research has yet to uncover anything further on Nancy or Laura.

J.S. Giddens grew up to be a farmer who lived in Pulaski, GA, near Cochran.  He was married twice.  His first wife was Sarah  Martin (1844- 1890).  They married in Pulaski, Georgia in 1877.  Together, they had three children: John Thomas (JT), Minnie Viola, and Ida.  
Marriage license of JS and Sarah Martin Giddens.  Written as Giddings

1880 Census showing household of James Geddings, wife Sarah and 1yr old son John.  An interesting note here is the addition of a step son named Clemy Martin.  Does this mean Sarah was previously married?  One might say yes since she was 30 and J.S. was 21.  There is also a baby boy nephew named Willie Floyd in the house along with several adult Floyd males.  Were they family to Sarah?  Was her maiden name Floyd?  Another mystery to follow for a future post!

 Sarah died in 1890.  In 1891, J.S. married Hattie Asbell.  Not much is known about Hattie, although the Asbells will play a signifigant role in the Giddens family.  What we do know is that J.S. and Hattie grew their family by an additional 7 children: Mabel, Mary, Adeline, William, Susan, and Robert.  One child died at birth in 1895.  There is also the possiblity of an 8th child by the name of J.S. Giddens, Jr.  He was born in 1920 and died at the age of 12 in 1932.  The 1930 census lists him as a grandson, but information input by others on different online sites states that he was a son. Something to note is that J.S. Sr. would have been 60 when Jr was born if this were true. The following are documents found for J.S. and Hattie, which paint the story of their life. 
Marriage of J.S. to Hattie Asbell (written as Etta...more misspellings)

1910 Census showing household of JS and Hattie and 6 children.  The two daughters from his first marriage, Minnie Viola and Ida had passed away by  this time.  Minnie in 1895 and Ida in 1905.  The eldest son, John Thomas married in 1898 and lived in Willacoochee, GA.
1920 Census shows the family had lived in Beckley Georgia with only 2 children left in the household.  This census also lists Hattie's place of birth as South Carolina as well as her mother's.  This has not shown up before.  Still a dead end lead where Hattie is concerned.  Outside of these documents, I have yet to find anything more about Hattie.

1930 Census shows JS, Hattie and JS, Jr. listed as a grandson.  Regardless of his parentage, he would only live two more years, dying at the age of 12. 
J.S Giddens, Sr. died 1-7-1935. 
Death Certificate of James S. Giddens.  Again, no mention of Hattie. Son Robert didn't know her maiden name?  Very curious that so little is known about her.

It is unknown when Hattie died.  J.S., Sarah, Hattie, Minnie  Viola, Ida, and J.S., Jr. are all buried in the Giddens Family Cemetery in Beckley, GA.  Not all of the graves have markers, but courthouse records confirm their burials.  
Click this link for more information on the Giddens Family Cemetery:
J.S. Giddens Burial Site 

🍁 John Thomas Giddens 🍁
John Thomas and Mamie Victoria Asbell Giddens

 As previously mentioned, J.S and Sarah's eldest son, John Thomas married in 1898.  His wife was Mamie Victoria Asbell of Twiggs Co., Georgia.  They were my great grandparents.  Through census records, we can again tell a story of their lives and their growing family.  Together, they had 8 children: Mamie Ethel, Minnie Estelle, John James, Robert Eugene, Leola, Ruby May, Ruth Clara, and Cora Agnes.  

 Marriage of John T Giddens and Miss Mamie Asbell , January 3, 1897, Pulaski, GA

1900 Census, Coffee County GA, household of John T., Mamie and baby daughter, Ethel. JT lists his occupation as farmer.

1910 Census, Willacoochee, GA.  Family is expanded to JT, Mamie, and 5 children.  JT is listed as a house painter.

1918 Draft Registration for John Thomas Giddens.  His occupation is listed as R.R. Policeman in Waycross, GA.  This is not the only mention of law enforcement employment for J.T.....keep reading!
1920 Census with all of J.T and Mamie's children plus a housekeeper named Belle Coffee.  J.T.'s occupation is listed as carpenter. 
On December 5th, 1925, John Thomas died peacefully in his sleep.  Grandma had said he died of paint colic, possibly from the effects of lead paint. His obituary states that he was :  "honest and grew to young manhood in Pulaski County.....and came to Willacoochee and served as chief of police for quite awhile, he also served as mayor one term."    Never knew that!  Isn't it surprising that these occupations were not listed on any of the census records.  Were they voluntary?  Hmmm, I wonder.  The obituary ends with a nice sentiment:  "Gone is our kindred and friend, but not forgotten.  We will ever honor and cherish the memory of John, whom we believe is at rest."  John is buried in the Willacoochee City Cemetery.
Obituary and headstone of J.T. Giddens Photo credit: Gail Mosely (obit)

Special Police Badge, possibly belonging to JT.  Photo credit:  Karen McMillan Carter

With J.T.'s sudden death, Mamie was now responsible for 8 children.  A large undertaking for a single woman in those days.  Most women would have remarried.  Not our Mamie!  Even though she only had a 7th grade education, according to census records, Mamie kept the family together,  maintained the house, and probably continued to farm.  Lots to admire about her.  
1930 Census in the household of Mamie.  By this time, six children are still living at home.  There is also the addition of daughter-in-law Ruby (my grandma) and baby girl Katherine Wynelle, Eugene and Ruby's first child and my aunt. 😊  Daughter Minnie, is listed as the Postmaster of Willacoochee and Eugene was a painter. 
Mamie Asbell  Giddens
The house where JT and Mamie lived in Willacoochee.  My Aunt Wynelle and my Dad, Lowell were born there.  Today, my Aunt Betty lives there. 
1940 Census with only Mamie and youngest daughter, Cora still living in the home.

Mamie died Oct. 7, 1941.  She is buried in the Willacoochee City Cemetery
Mamie Victoria Asbell Giddens

πŸ‚ Robert Eugene Giddens πŸ‚

Gene Giddens with  baby Wynelle?
As noted in the 1930 census, Mamie and J.T.'s  son, Robert Eugene (Gene) and his wife, Ruby lived with Mamie along with their first child, Katherine Wynelle.  Gene and Ruby were my grandparents.  They married April 22, 1906 and had six children: Katherine Wynelle, Lowell Thomas (my dad), James Robert, Betty Jean, Glenn Edward, and Mamie Gail.  They lived at the end of the road behind the cemetery.  Since this edition is focused on the Giddens side of the family,  I will write of what we know of Gene.  Don't worry, grandma will get her own chapter in the future, deservedly so.  For now,  I will go by family stories and personal memories. 
Gene was a house painter who always wore white overalls and rolled his own cigarettes.  I can still see Grandaddy sitting on the front porch in that old worn green vinyl rocker and looking out past the cemetery to the railroad tracks.  As a little girl, I enjoyed visiting and spending time with him, always fascinated by those rolled cigarettes!  Unfortunately, I didn't get to know him well, as he died on March 3, 1975 of a massive heart attack.  
Robert Eugene Giddens headstone at Willacoochee City Cemetery

I know life was hard for the Giddens family and not always easy or joyful, but I choose not to dwell on those things and am happy that I have such wonderful memories from my early childhood.  It was a simpler time then, fishing and swimming in the Alapaha River, shelling many bushels of peas, and eating some of the best home cooked meals ever!  By the time I came along,  I always experienced love and laughter.  I cherish that to this day. 
With that, I think I will bring this edition to a close.  I am pleasantly surprised to see that maybe I have uncovered more about the Giddens then originally thought.  Hope you have enjoyed it and remember there is a lot more to come!! No, I haven't forgotten my Dad.  But I think he and my Mom deserve their own special edition in honor of the love story they shared.  For now, enjoy these pics  and the video clip of typical summers in Willacoochee. 
If anyone has any ideas for future posts or corrections to this one, please do not hesitate to  email me.  Any pictures would be appreciated, too!  Be sure to stay tuned for future editions featuring the matriarchs of the family:  Elizabeth Gray and Ruby Rouse. 
 Lots of good stuff there!  
Thanks for reading,
J.T. Giddens, date unknown. Photo Credit: Gail Mosely

My dad, Lowell Giddens, helping Grandma Mamie feed the chickens. Photo credit: Lowell Giddens
Mamie Giddens with grandchildren Wynelle and Lowell Giddens. Photo credit: Lowell Giddens

My dad, Lowell (in uniform) with younger kin cousin Vera Hawkins,sister Gail, and brother Glenn (l-r) Photo credit: Lowell Giddens

Gene and Ruby Giddens

Lowell Giddens and sister Wynelle Giddens McMillan

Lowell and Wynelle looking very sweet and adorable

My family 1967. L-R: Tom, Debbie, me, Harriet (mom), and Lowell (dad)

The six Giddens children with Grandma Ruby Giddens.  L-R:  Betty, Glenn, Grandma, Wynelle, Lowell, Gail, and Robert
L-R: Gail, Betty, Lowell, Wynelle, Glenn

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